UK's Largest Childcare Expansion Begins | Government-Funded Childcare 2024 


• Government-funded childcare offer starts from 2nd September 2024 

• Eligible working parents of children aged 9 months and above to receive 15 free hours per week 

• New "wraparound" childcare places available for primary school-aged children 

• Plans to expand to 30 funded hours from September 2025 

• Significant delivery challenges anticipated due to required growth in childcare places and staff 

• Education Secretary warns of potential difficulties for some parents in accessing first-choice providers 

• Government committed to using primary school classrooms to create new nurseries 


UK Government Launches Unprecedented Expansion of Funded Childcare 

In a landmark move set to transform the landscape of early education and childcare in the United Kingdom, the government has initiated its most ambitious childcare expansion programme to date. From 2nd September 2024, hundreds of thousands of eligible working parents with children as young as nine months old will begin to access 15 hours of government-funded early education per week. This significant policy shift marks the beginning of a comprehensive reform aimed at supporting families from the end of parental leave through to the conclusion of primary school. 


The Scale and Scope of the Expansion 

The new childcare offer represents a substantial increase in government support for working families. Previously, funded childcare was primarily available for three- and four-year-olds, with limited provision for disadvantaged two-year-olds. The extension to children from nine months old signifies a recognition of the financial pressures faced by parents with very young children and the importance of early years education.

In addition to the provision for infants and toddlers, the government is also introducing new "wraparound" childcare places for primary school-aged children. This comprehensive approach aims to create a seamless system of support for families throughout their children's early years and primary education. 

Looking ahead, the government has already announced plans to further expand the offer to 30 funded hours from September 2025, demonstrating a long-term commitment to supporting working parents and investing in early years education. 


Challenges and Concerns 

While the expansion is undoubtedly ambitious and potentially transformative for many families, it is not without its challenges. The Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, has been candid about the delivery challenges inherent in such a significant policy shift. The scale of growth required in both childcare places and staff is unprecedented, and there are concerns that some parents may not be able to access their first-choice provider in the initial stages of implementation. 

The government acknowledges these challenges and is taking steps to address them. Plans are underway to utilise primary school classrooms to create new nurseries, potentially easing some of the pressure on existing childcare providers. However, the success of this strategy remains to be seen, and it will require careful planning and execution to ensure it meets the needs of both families and educational institutions. 


Impact on Families and the Economy 

The expansion of government-funded childcare is expected to have far-reaching effects on both individual families and the broader economy. For many parents, particularly mothers, the high cost of childcare has been a significant barrier to returning to work or increasing their working hours. By providing funded childcare from a much earlier age, the government aims to support parents in their career choices and boost overall economic productivity. 

Jason Elsom, Chief Executive of Parentkind, highlighted the potential benefits: "Parents tell us that childcare costs are a major concern, and they support action to bring costs down and help families at that crucial time between the end of maternity leave and previous financial support kicking in. It is right we do all we can to support parents, particularly when children are young." 

The economic impact of the policy could be substantial. By enabling more parents to enter or return to the workforce, the expansion has the potential to increase tax revenues and reduce reliance on benefits. Moreover, investment in early years education is widely recognised as having long-term societal benefits, potentially reducing educational inequalities and improving outcomes for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. 


Quality and Workforce Considerations 

While the focus has largely been on the number of funded hours and the age range covered, the quality of provision remains a crucial consideration. Purnima Tanuku OBE, Chief Executive of National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), emphasised the importance of investing in children's futures: "Supporting children early in their development means they have the foundations for learning and the necessary social skills to give them a brighter future, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds." 

The expansion of funded hours necessitates a significant growth in the early years workforce. This presents both challenges and opportunities. On one hand, there are concerns about recruiting and retaining sufficient numbers of qualified staff to meet the increased demand. On the other, the expansion could create new career opportunities in the childcare sector, potentially attracting individuals who may not have previously considered this field. 

The government has recognised the need to support the workforce and has announced an extension of the early years stronger practice hubs programme until at least March 2025. This initiative aims to support nurseries by facilitating the sharing of best practices and building local networks, which could prove crucial in maintaining and improving the quality of provision as the sector expands. 


Implementation and Local Variations 

The rollout of the expanded childcare offer is likely to vary across different parts of the country. Local authorities play a crucial role in implementing childcare policies, and their capacity to support the expansion may differ. Some areas may face greater challenges in terms of existing childcare infrastructure or workforce availability. 

The government has stated that it is working closely with local authorities to ensure appropriate local plans are in place. However, the success of the policy will depend on effective collaboration between central government, local authorities, and childcare providers. 


Future Outlook and Potential Adjustments 

As with any major policy implementation, it is likely that adjustments and refinements will be necessary as the expanded childcare offer rolls out. The government has indicated its commitment to monitoring the programme closely and responding to emerging challenges. 

One area that may require particular attention is the provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Ensuring that the expanded offer is truly inclusive and meets the needs of all children will be crucial for its long-term success and societal impact. 


International Comparisons 

The UK's expansion of funded childcare places it among the more generous systems internationally, although comparisons are complex due to variations in overall tax and benefit systems. Countries like Sweden and Denmark are often cited as having comprehensive childcare support, while others, such as the United States, generally offer less government-funded provision. 

As the UK implements this expanded offer, it will be instructive to observe how it compares with international best practices and whether it achieves the desired outcomes in terms of parental employment, child development, and overall societal benefits. 



The launch of the government's expanded childcare offer represents a significant milestone in UK social policy. It has the potential to transform the lives of many families, supporting parental employment and investing in the crucial early years of child development. However, the scale of the expansion presents substantial implementation challenges that will require ongoing attention and potentially further policy adjustments. 

As the programme unfolds, it will be essential to monitor its impact on families, childcare providers, and the broader economy. The success of this ambitious initiative will depend not only on the number of funded hours provided but also on the quality of care, the sustainability of the childcare sector, and the ability to meet the diverse needs of families across the country. 



1. Who is eligible for the new government-funded childcare offer? 

   Eligible working parents of children aged 9 months and above can access 15 free hours per week from September 2024. 

2. When will the offer expand to 30 funded hours? 

   The government plans to expand the offer to 30 funded hours from September 2025. 

3. What is "wraparound" childcare? 

   "Wraparound" childcare refers to provision before and after school hours for primary school-aged children. 

4. Will all childcare providers offer the funded hours? 

   While many providers will offer the funded hours, availability may vary. Parents should check with local providers. 

5. How does this policy compare to childcare support in other countries? 

   The UK's expanded offer is relatively generous compared to many countries, though some Nordic nations provide more comprehensive support. 

6. What if my child has special educational needs or disabilities? 

   The government aims to make the offer inclusive, but specific provisions may vary. Contact your local authority for detailed information. 

7. How will the childcare sector manage the increased demand? 

   The government is supporting sector growth through funding, workforce initiatives, and plans to use primary school spaces for nurseries. 

8. Can I combine this offer with other forms of childcare support? 

   In most cases, yes. However, it's best to check with your childcare provider or local authority for specific combinations. 



Stay ahead of the curve on the UK's evolving childcare landscape with Lurnable's premium membership subscription. Our expert analysis and timely updates on childcare policies, funding changes, and implementation challenges can help you navigate this complex terrain with confidence. 

Whether you're a parent planning for your child's future, a childcare provider adapting to new policies, or a professional in the education sector, our advisory services offer personalised guidance to help you make informed decisions. 

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